Tuesday, August 31, 2010
It's not all about you, Barack
No Ceremony For Our Troops Coming Back From Iraq From This White House KathleenMcKinley.com
Obama to UN: I'm a Great Leap Forward for Human Rights in America Critical Narrative
Dayton-Emmer Dead Heat
Dayton makes Jesse Ventura look like a model of stability and good judgment...
Monday, August 30, 2010
Taxpayer "Donations" in St. Louis, Louis
This is not waste, fraud and abuse, it's deliberate policy.
Is it worth it?
Most Americans probably would think not.
And frankly, most parents would probably prefer real school choice.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Get your fresh sunflower
...Get your fresh outrage. Republican Angers Democrats By Referring To Social Security As “A Milk Cow With 310 Million Tits”
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
'A Call to Prayer From the Rubble of the WTC'
Via James Taranto, One Book, Two Titles: Imam Faisal 'Abd Al-Rauf's Book Acquires New Title In Indonesian Translation.
Sounds really moderate, doesn't it.
Dancing on our graves.
...Is it multicultural to read something in a different language if the translation is a bad one? Are we supposed to PC, PC avert our eyes?
...From Hanoi Jane to Imam Obama
Would Jane Fonda like Sharia?
Is President Obama good for America?
Is President Obama any good?
P.S. Remember the rubble from August 24th, 1970. And this president's judgment. Judging Barack Obama
--crossposted at BackyardConservative
Monday, August 23, 2010
Does SD need Herseth-Sandlin's brand of political royalty?
...she is political royalty. The daughter of a longtime state legislator, granddaughter of a former governor and a former state secretary of state, Herseth Sandlin is sometimes called "South Dakota's princess."Washington Post profile of her race vs. Republican Kristi Noem.
The Democrat Herseth-Sandlin is a vote for Nancy Pelosi's poison pill for America. She voted for the stimulus--a big waste and a jobs bust:
"The whole philosophy behind what they have promoted . . . has been completely out of step with South Dakota," Noem said at her home, Racotah Ranch, in tiny Castlewood, about 100 miles north of Sioux Falls. "South Dakotans identify with having the freedom to make choices for themselves, believing in competition and being able to run their small businesses the way that they see fit, not being forced with dealing with government mandates all the time."And it will only get worse, in red ink and lost jobs unless we throw the Dems out in November.
...Anything to say Stephanie? You voted for this:
The federal government has served as enabler. Although the special tax-free status it bestows on municipal bonds amounts to a subsidy, Washington does little to enforce responsible budgeting. In its fiscal stimulus packages of 2009 and 2010, for instance, the federal government funneled hundreds of billions of dollars to the states without regard for their fiscal practices, treating irresponsibility in New Jersey and New York the same as prudence in, say, Texas and Indiana.Or say, South Dakota. Dem spendthrifts need to be held accountable. That means YOU.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Astroturf in Fergus Falls
This weekend, the DFL’s astroturf machine was in full operation. According to this Fergus Forum article, protests were held at Target stores across the nation:
Read on.
Related post: Who Knew MoveOn Shopped at Target?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Another Amendment Key this Year:)
Palin also endorsed candidates in Indiana and Missouri and around the country in honor of the 90th anniversary of women's suffrage.
Then there's the First Amendment, getting a workout at Ground Zero, the Second asserting itself in Chicago, and the 10th by a number of states.
It's the Constitution, stupid!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Who knew MoveOn Shopped at Target?
Well, I guess Michelle Obama's favorite is the Target at Roosevelt Rd. at the south end of Chicago's loop. I've shopped at Target since I got out of college in the 70's and started my first job in the Twin Cities.
It's kind of funny, though, because Target is the overall corporate name of the higher end retailer that launched it--Dayton's--which has now been sold off and is defunct.
The company has donated to Tom Emmer, the Tea Party GOP candidate for Minnesota governor, as he's pro-business, in their view. The MoveOn people are not happy, but then when are they ever? When they swear off George Soros' money maybe I'll listen.
What's the number one issue for most Americans these days--jobs and economic growth, not social issues. Sometimes man has to live on bread alone.
Um, and who's the Democrat candidate for governor in the Gopher State?
His name is Mark Dayton.
As for me, I shopped at Target this morning. They were having a sale or two.
--crossposted at Potluck
Monday, August 16, 2010
Obama's Land & Water Grab
When I had kids of my own, I subscribed to National Geographic for a while. It was good for school projects and I could dream of travel while homebound. The maps were beautiful.
I tacked up some on the basement playroom's walls. They were double-sided so I had to choose. The map on the back of the continental United States was a stunner--the percentage of land owned by the Feds.
Here's another version.
But it's not enough for President Barack Obama, he wants to nationalize still more. Now he's going after New England and still more states. Michelle Malkin:
Have you heard of the “Great Outdoors Initiative”? Chances are, you haven’t. But across the country, White House officials have been meeting quietly with environmental groups to map out government plans for acquiring untold millions of acres of both public and private land. It’s another stealthy power grab through executive order that promises to radically transform the American way of life.Yet another disastrous power grab. Couple that with the job-killing drilling moratorium on the Gulf and we're well on the way to becoming vassals in our own country.
One of the reasons I started blogging was because I was so outraged at the Kelo decision. I did a rewrite of Woody Guthrie.
Another Tea Party reason for revolt.
Oh, and HUD is mucking around in North Dakota--one of the few states where the economy is doing well, while ignoring the fraud in Chicago. Aren't Fannie and Freddie wreckage enough by the Feds? More Malkin:
The lives of coyotes, deer and prairie dogs would be elevated above states’ needs to generate jobs, tourism business and energy solutions.I say raze Hyde Park. And our President Barack Obama can pat a cougar or coyote. Naturally.
--crossposted at BackyardConservative
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Enter Sen. John Thune, South Dakota Republican
He toppled Tom Daschle (the Dem majority leader before nasty Harry Reid).
Is Thune presidential material? Up until now stellar Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan has been drawing the most fire in making the GOP case for fiscal solvency for this country. Sen. Thune offers a blueprint for budget reform, TWS.
He's campaigning for challengers as well.
The heartland heard from again.
More. Polling in Wisconsin and bellwether Missouri favors GOP races. Rasmussen. Tom Bevan, RCP on Feingold.
--crossposted at BackyardConservative
Dayton a Dismal Choice
Does Minnesota really want to elect this erratic dilettante as governor during these trying times? Or any other time. Get the Dayton Facts.
Blog Archive
- It's not all about you, Barack
- Dayton-Emmer Dead Heat
- Taxpayer "Donations" in St. Louis, Louis
- Get your fresh sunflower
- Bachmann Takes on Her Taxin' Opponent
- Ooh Nooo! It wasn't the Tea Party?!!!
- 'A Call to Prayer From the Rubble of the WTC'
- Does SD need Herseth-Sandlin's brand of political ...
- Don't Fence Me In
- Astroturf in Fergus Falls
- Another Amendment Key this Year:)
- Who knew MoveOn Shopped at Target?
- Obama's Land & Water Grab
- Russian Sage
- Enter Sen. John Thune, South Dakota Republican
- Dayton a Dismal Choice