Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Pols vs. the People

Town meetings are still on, as the debate the Dems tried to deny us, and are still trying to pre-empt, continues. Rasmussen on the political divide:
As is often the case, the divide between the Political Class and Mainstream America is even wider than that between voters in the two political parties. While 71% of the Political Class say Democrats should go it alone, the identical number (7!%) of Mainstream Americans say they should try to get some Republicans on board to produce a bipartisan bill.
Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold's town meeting the other day in Iron County's town of Mercer elicited a good idea--let the states be the laboratories--no one size fits all. Lakeland Times. But when you look at the details it's not exactly preserving choice for Americans:

On July 24, 2006, at a press conference at the Martin Luther King Heritage Health Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Feingold announced that he had authored the State-Based Health Care Reform Act, a bill to create a pilot program for a system of universal health care under which each U.S. state would create a program to provide its citizenry with universal health insurance, and the federal government would provide the funding. The bill would create a non-partisan "Health Care Reform Task Force," which will provide five-year federal grants to two or three states. The program is expected to cost $32 billion over 10 years.[53]

Another Trojan Horse for Big Med. Interestingly, Mercer's 7th congressional district has a strong GOP challenger for 2010, and Feingold himself is up for reelection, while Wisconsin's Dem Governor Doyle has a 34% approval rating, choosing not to run for a 3rd term.

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